katrina stanley


What is Kinesiology?

Kinesiology is a holistic healing that uses muscle monitoring to ask the body for feedback. This technique enables you to bypass your conscious mind to find the imbalance or blockages within your system. Muscle testing is non- invasive and involves gentle pressure on the arm to get a ‘read out’. 

The goal of a session is to identify the cause of the imbalance within the system. Once this information has been accessed and the energy has been corrected this will assist in the natural healing process. Kinesiologists believe that at some deep unconscious level, your body knows exactly what it needs to be healthy. 

I feel that when an emotion is identified and the remedies are used and explained it brings an awareness and then allows you to process and grow from it.

Every session will be different as it depends on what the body requires at that time. There could be common themes that occur as it may take time to align you to your goals and your heart’s desires.

Examples of what this can assist with

  • Improved self- esteem and confidence

  • Reduced stress and anxiety

  • Decision making in work, home and relationships

  • Releasing fears and phobias

  • Aiding in muscle injury healing (stresses)

  • Goal identification and achievement

  • Mindset

  • Discovering true priorities

  • Concentration/ learning difficulties

  • Limiting beliefs

  • Sleep issues

  • Trauma

  • Personal development

  • Maintaining overall wellbeing and happiness

Remedies and Techniques used in a session

  • Grounding practices

  • Journaling

  • Affirmations

  • Crystals

  • Essential oils

  • Aura-Soma

  • Wellbeing oils

  • Sound

  • Chakra Oils

  • Colour Therapy

  • Flower Essences

  • Time regression to find the source of stress

  • Acupressure point (held, rubbed, tapped)

  • Energy work

Please note that Kinesiology does not treat or diagnose any medical conditions or named diseases nor do kinesiologists prescribe. Its focus is on supporting the body energetically–so most people can benefit from kinesiology in some or many areas of their life.

All that's required is for you to be open and willing.

A little bit about me

I’m a lover of all thing’s nature. I have a huge interest in Horticulture and Floristry with a past in Mining. I’ve always been a believer in self-development and in giving new things a try.

Kinesiology is so fulfilling and aligns with my true self in ways my other careers haven’t been able too. It has taught me the importance of listening to my body and my wants, setting healthy boundaries and taking care of what’s important to me.

I’d love to help you make significant changes to your mindset and physical health.

To find out more about Katrina please visit www.groundedearthkinesiology.com.au